.Berkeley Plans to Reject Charter School Proposal — Again

Faced with another shoddily written charter school proposal for a remedial faciity called Integrity Education Center, which has already launched in Oakland, staff at Berkeley Unified School District will probably do what they often do in such situations: Turn it down. So said The Daily Cal, at least, citing what might be the most notable policy difference between education systems in Berkeley and Oakland. While the former won’t accept any charter school proposal that “presents an unsound educational program” — as did Integrity, according to the BUSD staff report — the latter has a reputation for being exceptionally charter school-permissive. As a result, Oakland has too many schools. As The Daily Cal reported, Berkeley has managed to find fault with just about every charter school proposal brought forward, save for one: Revolutionary Education and Learning Movement (REALM), which opened last year under the guidance of former Berkeley Technology Academy principal Victor Diaz.


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