.Best Voice for a Radical New Future

To hear Zoé Samudzi speak is to know you’re in the presence of an emerging leader — one that we certainly want to get behind. At age 25, Samudzi has already published a book, As Black as Resistance: Finding the Conditions for Our Liberation (co-authored with William C. Anderson), and secured regular columns in Broadly and the local literary magazine New Life Quarterly. And as a medical sociology doctoral student at UC San Francisco, she’s gaining major attention for her scholarly works on Black feminism and critical race theory. She writes with strength, moral authority, and consistent strokes of brilliance on challenging subjects. If we’re going to move forward as a society, we first need to study this country’s anti-Black roots, structural racism, and policing of Black communities — and then, we need to read Samudzi for as long as she is writing.


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