.D. Scot Miller

Managing Editor of The East Bay Express, Former Associate Editor of Oakland Magazine and Alameda Magazine, Columnist-In-Residence at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA)'s Open Space, Advisory Board Member of Nocturnes Journal of Literary Arts, and regular contributor to several newspapers, websites and magazines. Miller is the founder of The Afrosurreal Arts Movement through his publication of The Afrosurreal Manifesto in The San Francisco Bay Guardian, May 20, 2009.
Jun 27, 2023

Best of the East Bay 2023 – Introduction

Simply the Best The Bay Area thrives, even in trying times Yes, the title of this year’s introduction to the East Bay Express: Best of the...
Nov 23, 2022

The Gift of Green

Joshua Chase and Oakanna stand out when the smoke clears The Oakanna cannabis store bears quite a few distinctions. For one, it’s the first cannabis...
Sep 7, 2022

Pride, Purpose, Passion: Joe Hawkins celebrates 5 years of Oakland’s LGBTQ Center with a...

In August of 2019, EBX sat down with Oakland LGBTQ Center CEO Joe Hawkins and vice president Dawn Edwards, to celebrate two years of...
Jul 20, 2022

Welcome to Best of the East Bay: 2022 is a doozy, but we got...

2022 has been, shall we say, an intense year so far. Even as we continue to endure a virus that has wavered some, while...
Nov 17, 2021

Cosmic Blackness: Afrosurreal artist Christopher Burch unveils a mural meant to inspire, educate and...

Full disclosure: Christopher Burch is my brother, comrade, friend and inspiration. We’ve known each other for more than a handful of years, and still,...
Aug 25, 2021

Our Man ‘Ish’: Ishmael Reed reflects on life, art, music and home

"Some have called Ish a 'trickster,' and Ralph Ellison—in a drunken rant at a gala in New York City when he was in his 30s—once called him a 'criminal and a con-man,' but few call this poet, author, publisher, Columbus Foundation president, musician, playwright, founder of the American Book Awards, screen-writer and cartoonist a Renaissance man," D. Scot Miller writes.
May 26, 2021

Go Outside

EBX starts the summer off right with this year’s Best of Nature In the Bay Area, residents tend to heap praise upon the California redwoods...
May 11, 2021

Jim Code

D. Scot Miller chops it up with Oakland's own W. Kamau Bell on his latest episode of CNN's 'United Shades of America" about Afrofuturism, STEM, algorithmic violence, Atlanta's booming tech sector, and how good it feels to be back in The Town.